I got a deal on a wantable box.  I was so excited because I have wanted to try it out.  For the most part I loved the box.  Wantable does a very in-depth questionnaire so that you get things you might really like.  They also give you full sized products.  However, I did not like the lip color I received and I got two lip products.  I went back to review my questionnaire to see if there is anything I could do to make sure I don't get pink again. I was shocked to find out I had put I wanted pink and not orange.  Well all I wear is coral or peachy lip colors so that was totally my fault! I changed my questionnaire :-)  To read the rest of my review click here. 

Glossy box is a monthly subscription box that has five deluxe-sized beauty products, hand selected for you. This box is only $21 dollars a month.  I love the packaging of this box. Click here to read my reviews on all the products!

It is time to hit the Reset button. I will report my weight on Wednesday and get back on the bandwagon.  I have had one of those weeks, we all have them, where life just gets a little out of control.  It is funny the last two weeks have been bad for me on the eating front, however, I have kept up on my exercise. The weird part of it is that it has gotten harder to exercise and I just am not going as fast as I was. I will try to remember to post in a week or two and tell you if it got better when I age better. Also I know I haven't posted inches lost.  I was suppose to do that on Saturday but someone has run off with the tape measure. I have 5 suspects in custody, but since none of them are claiming 
Okay, I am doing fine in my fitbit challenge, but I am a little perplexed.  My friend H is in third place every time I check. When the official first week scores came out she was ahead of me, I thought it was a mistake.  I went and added up all my steps and the number was right, so then I went and added up all her steps and sure enough she had beat me.  I am still trying to figure out why the fitbit leader board always has me ahead of her.  But now I know I need to step it up a little more.I have no chance of ever getting in 1st place.  The guy there had like 14,000 more steps than I did last week.  

steps: 9575
Stairs: 27
So I have been trying to walk 3x a week and I have been walking about 1.5 miles, I do jog a little on my walks.  June  1st I upped that to 5-6 walks a week for 3 miles.  In the last 7 days I have walked 18.5 miles and I am so sore.  I have also upped the amount of time I jog.  I have knocked about a 1.5 minutes off my mile. My body is really feeling it, the funny thing is once I get to about 1.5 miles I feel better.  The last half is always easier than the first half.  I wish my body would start warming up faster. 

Stairs: 27
Well I don't have good news this week, I gained 1.4 pounds. I probably should be more upset than I am.  However, I have known since Sunday that this was going to be the result. I know what led to this first of all pigging out on Thursday and Friday.  Then starting on Friday I doubled my workout from 1.5 miles to 3 miles. This is also the third week which means usually my weight loss slows down. My goal this week is to lose 2 pounds.  

Weight for the week: +1.4
Total Weight: -6.0 
Steps: 15167
Stairs: 34

Well I broke my old record, by a little bit less than 500.  I said starting this week I was going to do pilates, but instead I am just increasing my steps.  Since I started this June Fitbit Challenge I need all the steps I am excited for this week.  I still have two pounds to lose to break even for the week.  I think I can do two pounds in two days for a grande total of 0 weight loss.  Check back Wednesday to see how I have done.

Stairs: 34

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